

Leon Verstappen

Introduction: Context, Criteria, and Consequences of Expropriation, Verstappen, L. In: Rethinking Expropriation Law II: Context, Criteria, and Consequences of Expropriation, Hoops, B.; Marais, E.J.; Mostert, H.; Sluysmans, J.A.M.A.; Verstappen, L.C.A. (Ed.), Den Haag, Eleven International Publishing, 2015 (398 pp)

Rethinking Public Interest in Expropriation Law: Introductory Observations, Verstappen, L.C.A. In: Rethinking Expropriation Law I: Rethinking Public Interest in Expropriation, Hoops, B.; Marais, E.J.; Mostert, H.; Sluysmans, J.A.M.A.; Verstappen, L.C.A. (Ed.), Den Haag, Eleven International Publishing, 2015 (410 pp)
Beide boeken bevatten de papers van de eerste twee congressen van Expropriation Expert Group, gehouden in Groningen en Rome.

Practical Approaches to the Numerus Clausus of Land Rights: How Legal Professionals in South Africa and the Netherlands deal with Certainty and Flexibility in Property Law, Verstappen, L.C.A.; Mostert, H. In: Modern Studies in Property Law, Warren Barr (editor). Vol. 8 2015. Ed. Oxford/Portland: Hart Publishing Ltd, 2015. (pp. 351-371).

Multilevel Governance of Property Titles in Land: The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the context of National Food Security, Verstappen, L.C.A. Regulatory Property Rights: The Transforming Notion of Property in Transnational Business Regulation, Christine Godt (editor). Leiden, Brill / Nijhoff, 2016, (pp. 98-118).

In deze studie wordt voor het eerst aan het juridische publiek uitgelegd wat de betekenis van de internationaal aanvaarde Voluntary Guidelines is voor landrechten.

Full list:

Magdalena Habdas





Björn Hoops

Hoops, B. (2017). Verabschiedet sich das BVerfG von “Boxberg” und seinem international vorbildlichen Schutz vor Enteignungen zugunsten Privater? Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht NVwZ, 2017(20), 1496-1501.

Hoops, B. (2017). The alternative project argument in the context of expropriation law (part 2). Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse reg/Journal of south african law, (1), 70-88.

Hoops, B. (2016). The alternative project argument in the context of expropriation law (part 1). Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse reg/Journal of south african law, (4), 680-696.

Hoops, B. (2016). Expropriation Procedures in Germany and the Netherlands: Ready for the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure? European Property Law Journal, 5(3), 236-274.

Hoops, B. (2016). Het recht op terugoverdracht in alle gevallen van niet-uitvoering: Het is tijd voor een herziening van art. 61 Ow. Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht, 9(6), 540-548.

Hoops, B. (2016). Specificity of Expropriation Statutes as a Safeguard Against Third Party Transfers for Economic Development: Lessons from German Law for New Expropriation Legislation in South Africa? The South African Law Journal, 133(4), 788-819.

Hoops, B. (2015). The Public Purpose for the Expropriation of Land: A Framework for Assessing Its Democratic Legitimacy. In B. Hoops, E. J. Marais, H. Mostert, J. A. M. A. Sluysman, & L. C. A. Verstappen (Eds.), Rethinking Expropration Law I: Public Interest in Expropriation (pp. 237-278). Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing.

Hoops, B. (2015). More Safeguards Instead of a Ban of Economic Development Takings: The Kelo Case from a German Perspective. In B. Hoops, E. J. Marais, H. Mostert, J. A. M. A. Sluysman, & L. C. A. Verstappen (Eds.), Rethinking Expropration Law II: Context, Criteria, and Consequences of Expropriation (pp. 137-192). Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing.

Hoops, B., Mostert, H., & Saville, J. (2015). Expropriation and the Endurance of Public Purpose. European Property Law Journal, 4(2), 115-151.

Hoops, B. (2015). The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure: Distilling Good Governance Standards for Expropriation Procedures. In S. Bouly, A. Apers, E. Dewitte, & D. Gruyaert (Eds.), Property Law Perspectives III (Vol. 3, pp. 3-26). Antwerp: Intersentia.

Ernst Marais

FI Michelman & EJ Marais “A constitutional vision for property: Shoprite and beyond” in G Muller, R Brits, BV Slade & AMA van Wyk (eds) Essays in honour of AJ van der Walt (2018, forthcoming) Juta Publishers: Cape Town

EJ Marais “Providing better protection for expropriatees? Preliminary thoughts on the interpretation of arbitrarily in clause 2(1) of the Expropriation Bill B4D-2015” (2017) 33 South African Journal on Human Rights 97-119 (

B Hoops & EJ Marais “Het verjaringsbos weer door de bomen van bezitsverkrijging zien: Het Hoogheemraadschap-arrest vanuit een Zuid-Afrikaans en theoretisch perspectief” (2017/7141) 148 Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (11 March 2017) 213-221

EJ Marais “A common-law presumption, statutory interpretation and section 25(2) of the Constitution – a tale of three fallacies. A critical analysis of the Constitutional Court’s Arun judgment” (2016) 133 South African Law Journal 629-663

EJ Marais & PJH Maree “At the intersection between expropriation law and administrative law: two critical views on the Constitutional Court’s Arun judgment” (2016) 19 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 1-54 (

EJ Marais “Expanding the contours of the constitutional property concept” 2016 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 576-592

B Hoops & EJ Marais “Werpt het bodemrecht het net te ver uit?” (2015/7079) 146 Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (17 October) 864-872

EJ Marais “When does state interference with property (now) amount to expropriation? An analysis of the Agri SA court’s state acquisition requirement (part I)” (2015) 18 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 2983-3031 (

EJ Marais “The constitutionality of section 89(5)(c) of the National Credit Act under the property clause: National Credit Regulator v Opperman and Others” (2014) 131 South African Law Journal 215-233

AJ van der Walt & EJ Marais “The constitutionality of adverse possession under the European Convention 1950: JA Pye (Oxford) Ltd v United Kingdom (2008) 46 EHRR 45 (GC)” (2013) 76 Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg (Journal for Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law) 261-269

EJ Marais “The justifications for acquisitive prescription: A new perspective” in B Akkermans & E Ramaekers (eds) Property Law Perspectives (2012) Antwerp: Intersentia 63-84

AJ van der Walt & EJ Marais “The constitutionality of acquisitive prescription: A section 25 analysis” 2012 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg (Journal of South African Law) 714-736

AJ van der Walt & EJ Marais “Eiendomsverlies weens verkrygende verjaring:  Ongekompenseerde onteiening – of nie?” (Loss of ownership through acquisitive prescription: An uncompensated expropriation – or not?) (2012) 9 LitNet Akademies 298-321 (

EJ Marais Acquisitive prescription in view of the property clause (2011) unpublished LLD thesis Stellenbosch University

Hanri Mostert


Mostert H, Mineral Law: Principles and Policy in Perspective  (2012, Juta: Cape Town) ISBN 9780409052015

Mostert H, Pienaar JM & Van Wyk AMA, Land (LAWSA vol 14, 3rd ed):  Joubert WA, & Faris JA, The Law of South Africa  (2010, LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban) ISBN: 9780409022636

Mostert H & Pope A, (eds) The Principles of the Law of Property in South Africa (2010, Oxford University Press: Cape Town). ISBN: 9780195984040
Translated from the English by Scott J as Mostert H & Pope A, (eds) Die Beginsels van die Sakereg in Suid-Afrika (2010, Oxford University Press: Cape Town) ISBN: 9780195986440
Chapters contributed: Chapter 1 (Perspective on Property Law); Chapter 2 (Things); Chapter 3 (Rights); Parts of Chapter 6 (Limitation on Ownership); Parts of Chapter 7 (Acquisition of Ownership); Chapter 9 (Servitudes and Restrictive Conditions); Chapter 13 (Prospects of Property Law)

Badenhorst PJ, Mostert H & Dendy M, Minerals and Petroleum (LAWSA vol 18, 2nd ed): Joubert WA & Faris JA The Law of South Africa (2007, LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban) ISBN: 9780409022636

Badenhorst PJ, Pienaar JM & Mostert H, Silberberg & Schoeman’s The Law of Property, 5th ed  (2006, LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban) ISBN: 9780409053185 (SC) / 9780409053198 (HC)

Badenhorst PJ & Mostert H, Mineral and Petroleum Law of South Africa, 1st ed (2004, Juta Law: Cape Town) ISBN: 0702167215
Revision service 1: 2005; Revision service 2: 2006; Revision service 3: 2007; Revision service 4, 2008; Revision service 5, 2009; Revision service 6, 2010; Revision service 7, 2011; Revision service 8, 2012; Revision service 9, 2013

Badenhorst PJ, Pienaar JM & Mostert H, Silberberg & Schoeman’s The Law of Property, 4th ed (2003, LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban) ISBN: 0409053163 (SC) / 0409053173 (HC)

Mostert H, The Constitutional Protection and Regulation of Property and its Influence on the Reform of Private Law and Landownership in South Africa and Germany – A Comparative Analysis (2002, Springer Verlag: Heidelberg, Germany) ISBN: 3540430067



Mostert H, Verstappen LCA and Zevenbergen J (eds) Land Law and Governance: African Perspectives on Land Tenure (2017, Juta Law) ISBN: 9781485120063

Hoops B, Marais E, Mostert H, Sluysmans J, Verstappen L (eds) Rethinking Expropriation Law I: Public Interest in Expropriation (2015, Boom/Eleven and Juta Law) ISBN: 9789462366312

Hoops B, Marais E, Mostert H, Sluysmans J, Verstappen L (eds) – Rethinking Expropriation Law II:  Context, Criteria and Consequences of Expropriation  (2015, Boom/Eleven and Juta Law) ISBN: 9789462366329

Mostert H, & Bennett T, (eds) Pluralism and Development: Studies in Access to Property in Africa (2012, Juta: Cape Town) ISBN: 9780702195327
Also published as the journal Acta Juridica 2011:  Pluralism and Development: Studies in Access to Property in Africa

Mostert H, & De Waal MJ, (eds) Essays in Honour of CG van der Merwe (2011, LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban) ISBN: 9780409052015.

Mostert H & Pope A, (eds) The Principles of the Law of Property in South Africa (2010, Oxford University Press: Cape Town). ISBN: 9780195984040
Translated from the English by Scott J as Mostert H & Pope A, (eds) Die Beginsels van die Sakereg in Suid-Afrika (2010, Oxford University Press: Cape Town) ISBN: 9780195986440



Mostert H & Van Niekerk H “Disadvantage, Fairness and Power Crises in Africa: A Focused look at Energy Justice”, chapter 4 in Omorogbe Y & Ordor A (eds) Ending Africa’s Energy Deficit and the Law: Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in Africa (2018, OUP)

Mostert H & Jacobs PJ “The Mandate and Challenges of Land Tenure Security in South Africa”, in Mostert H, Verstappen LCA, Zevenbergen J and Van Schalkwyk CL (eds) Land Law and Governance: African Perspectives on Land Tenure (2017, Juta Law)

Mostert H, Verstappen LCA and Zevenbergen J “Introduction”, in Mostert H, Verstappen LCA, Zevenbergen J and Van Schalkwyk CL (eds) Land Law and Governance: African Perspectives on Land Tenure (2017, Juta Law)

Mostert H and Young C-L “Natural resources as ‘regulated property’: The challenges of resource stewardship in South Africa” in Godt C (ed) Regulatory Property Rights: The Transforming Notion of Property in Transnational Business Regulation (2016, Brill Nijhof, Boston) ISBN 9789004313514

Mostert H, Chisanga K-M, Howard J, Mandhu F, Van den Berg M, and Young C-L “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Industries of Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia: Choices and Consequences” in Barrera-Hernández L, Barton B, Godden L, Lucas A, and Rønne A  (eds) Sharing The Costs and Benefits of Energy and Resources Activity (2016, OUP: Oxford) ISBN 9780198767954

Mostert H, “Länderbericht Südafrika” pp 2346-2366 in Ring G, Grziwotz H & Keukenschrijver A (eds) Nomos Kommentar: Sachenrecht, 4th ed, vol 3 of Dauner-Lieb B, Heidel T & Ring G (eds) Nomos Kommentar BGB (2015, Nomos/Deutscher Anwaltverein: Bonn) ISBN 9783832970888

Mostert H  “The Poverty of Precedent on Public Purpose/Interest: An Analysis of Pre-Constitutional and Post-Apartheid Jurisprudence in South Africa” in Hoops B, Marais E, Mostert H, Sluysmans J, Verstappen L (eds) Rethinking Expropriation Law I: Public Interest in Expropriation (2015, Boom/Eleven and Juta Law) ISBN: 9789462366312

Mostert H and Van den Berg HM “Roman-Dutch Law, Custodianship, and the African Subsurface: The South African and Namibian Experiences” in Zillman DN, McHarg A, Bradbrook A, and Barrera-Hernandez L (eds) The Law of Energy Underground:  Understanding New Developments in Subsurface Production, Transmission, and Storage (2014, Oxford University Press: Oxford), ISBN:  9780198703181, chapter 5

Mostert H and Verstappen LCA,  “Practical approaches to the Numerus Clausus of Land RightsHow Legal Professionals in South Africa and the Netherlands deal with Certainty and Flexibility in Property Law” pp 351-371 in Barr, W et al (eds) Modern Studies in Property Law, Vol 8 (2015, Hart Publishing) ISBN 9781849466226

Mostert H, “No Right to Neglect? How Policy Choices challenge the Basic Principles of Property”, ch 2, pp 11-30 in Van Wyk J and Scott S, (eds) Property Law under Scrutiny (2015, Juta: Claremont) ISBN 9781485107484

Mostert H, “Nuisance”, in Visser D and Reid E (eds) Private Law And Human Rights (2013, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh) ISBN: 0748684174 / 9780748684175

Mostert H, “Länderbericht Südafrika” pp 2346-2366 in Ring G, Grziwotz H & Keukenschrijver A (eds) Nomos Kommentar: Sachenrecht, 3rd ed, vol 3 of Dauner-Lieb B, Heidel T & Ring G (eds) Nomos Kommentar BGB (2013, Nomos/Deutscher Anwaltverein: Bonn) ISBN 9783832970888

Bennett T & Mostert H, “Pluralism and Development: Studies in Access to Property in Africa”  in Mostert H, & Bennett T, (eds) Pluralism and Development: Studies in Access to Property in Africa (2012, Juta: Cape Town) ISBN: 9780702195327

Mostert H, “Landlessness, Housing and the Rule of Law” pp 73-104 in Mostert H & De Waal MJ (eds) Essays in Honour of CG van der Merwe (2012, LexisNexis Butterworths: Durban)

Mostert H, “Change through Jurisprudence: The Role of the Courts in Broadening the Scope of Restitution” pp 61-79 in C Walker et al, Land, Memory, Reconstruction, Justice: Perspectives on Land Restitution in South Africa (2010, OHIO/UKZN Press: Athens OH) ISBN 978 0 8214 1927 4

Mostert H, “Beyond Richtersveld or: Restitution Policy and Legislation through the Judicial Lense” pp 215-240 in Godden L and Tehan M (eds) Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership: Sustainable Futures (2010, Routledge Glass House: New York) ISBN 978 0 415 45720 0

Mostert H, “Constitutional Property Law and Land Reform” pp 405-426 in Humby T, Theophilopolous C et al (eds) 2006 Annual Survey of South African Law, (2009, Juta: Cape Town) ISBN 9780702181399

Mostert H, “Länderbericht Südafrika” pp 1954-1973 in Ring G, Grziwotz H & Keukenschrijver A (eds) Nomos Kommentar: Sachenrecht, 2nd ed, pp 1954-1973, vol 3 of Dauner-Lieb B, Heidel T & Ring G (eds) Nomos Kommentar BGB (2008, Nomos/Deutscher Anwaltverein: Bonn) ISBN 978 3 8329 3178 0

Mostert H, “Aboriginal Title” in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2008, Oxford University Press: Heidelberg, Germany) ISBN 978 01992231690;

Jacobs PJ & Mostert H, “Boundary Disputes in Africa” in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2008, Oxford University Press: Heidelberg, Germany) ISBN 978 01992231690;

Mostert H & Badenhorst PJ, “Property and the Bill of Rights” issue 18 in Butterworths’ Bill of Rights Compendium (2006, Lexisnexis Butterworths: Durban) ISBN: 10 0409047848 (binder), 040904783X (loose-leaf)

Mostert H & Pienaar JM, “Formalization of South African Communal Land Title and its Impact on Development” pp 317-340 in Cooke EJ (ed) Modern Studies in Property Law III (2005, Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK) ISBN 9781841135588

Mostert H, “Liberty, Social Responsibility and Fairness in the Context of Constitutional Property Protection and Regulation” pp 131-161 in Botha H, Van der Walt AJ & Van der Walt JWG (eds) Rights and Democracy in a Transformative Constitution (2004, SunMedia: Stellenbosch) ISBN 1 919980 02 4

Mostert H, “Die Invloed van die Grondwetlike Eiendomsklousule op die Eiendomskonsep in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg – ‘n Vergelyking van die Hantering van Eiendom in die Privaatreg en onder die Grondwet in die Lig van die Toenemende Diversifisering van Grondregte in Suid-Afrika” pp 119-139 in Smits J & Lubbe GF (eds) Remedies in Zuid-Afrika en Europa  (2003, Intersentia Uitgevers: Antwerpen-Groeningen) ISBN 90 5095 318 2

Mostert H, “The Diversification of Land Rights and its Implications for a New Land Law in South Africa” pp 3-25 in Cooke EJ (ed) Modern Studies in Property Law II (2003, Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK) ISBN 1 84113 173 3



Mostert H “Revising the Procedure for Expropriations in South Africa: 2015 Bill and 1975 Act compared” 2016 European Property Law Journal 5(3): 1–36 [DOI: 10.1515/ijdhd-2016-000]

Cramer R & Mostert H “ ‘Home’ and Unlawful Occupation: The Horns of Local Government’s Dilemma: Fischer and Another v Persons Unknown 2014 3 SA 291 (WCC)” 2015 (3) Stell LR 583-611

Hoops B, Saville J & Mostert H, “Expropriation and the Endurance of Public Purpose: Comparative observations on the effects of a subsequent change in the purpose for which expropriation was undertaken for South African law” 2015 4(2) EPLJ  1–36

Mostert H, “The ‘Thing’ called ‘Mineral Right’:  Re-examining the nature, content and scope of a rather confounding concept in South African law” Recht in Africa / Law in Africa / Droit en Afrique – Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für afrikanisches Recht, 2014 (2)

Mostert H, “Land as a ‘National Asset’ under the Constitution – The System Change Envisaged by the 2011 Green Paper on Land Policy and What this Means for Property Law under the Constitution” 2014 (1) Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal []

Mostert H, “Tenure Security Reform and Electronic Registration: Exploring Insights from English Law” 2011 (14:3) Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, available online at

Mostert H, “Engaged Citizenship and the Enabling State as Factors Determining the Interference Parameter of Property – A Comparison of German and South African Law 2010 (2) South African Law Journal 238-273

Mostert H, “South Africa’s Communal Land Rights Act: A Plea for Restraint in Reform” 2010 (54) 2 Journal of African Law 298-312

Mostert H & Chen L, “Dynamics of Constitutional Property Clauses in the Developing World: China and South Africa” 2010 (17:4) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 377-405 []

Van Niekerk H, & Mostert H, “Expropriation of Unused Old Order Mineral Rights: The Court has its First Say” 2010 (1) Stellenbosch Law Review 158-171

Badenhorst PJ & Mostert H,  “Duelling Prospecting Rights: A Non-Custodial Second?” 2008 (4) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, 819-833

Mostert H, “Trends in the South African Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence on Property Protection and Regulation (72) Amicus Curiae, December 20078-13.

Chen L & Mostert H, “The Unavoidable Necessity for Formalising Condominium Ownership in China: A Pilot Study” 2007 (2) Asian Journal of Comparative Law accessible online at HU

Badenhorst PJ & Mostert H, “Artikel 3(1) en (2) van die Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 van 2002:  ‘n Herbesoek” 2007 (4) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 469-493

Badenhorst PJ & Mostert H, “Ambit of Mineral Rights: Paving the Way for New Order Disputes? (Anglo Operations Ltd v Sandhurst Estates (Pty) Ltd 2006 (1) SA 350 (T))” 2007 (2) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 409-422

Pienaar JM & Mostert H, “Uitsettings onder die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet: Die Verhouding tussen Artikel 25(1), Artikel 26(3) en die Uitsettingswet” 2006 (1) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg  277-299 and 2006 (2) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 522-536

Pienaar JM & Mostert H, “The Balance Between Burial Rights and Landownership in South Africa: Issues of Content, Nature and Constitutionality” 2005 (3) South African Law Journal 633-660

Mostert H, & Fitzpatrick P, “Law Against Law: Indigenous Rights and the Richtersveld Cases” 2004 (2) Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal (LGD) online at H

Badenhorst PJ & Mostert H,  “A Bridge too Ghostly to Contemplate?”  July 2004 De Rebus 25-28

Mostert H & Fitzpatrick P, “ ‘Living in the Margins of History on the Edge of the Country’ – Legal Foundation and the Richtersveld Community’s Title to Land” 2004 (2) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 309-323 and 2004 (3) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 498-510

Mostert H, “Lost Information and Competing Interests in Restoring Germany’s Dispossessed Property – The Recent Decision of the German Federal Administrative Court” 2004 German Law Journal (online at Hhttp://www.germanlawjournal.comH)

Badenhorst PJ & Mostert H, “Revisiting the Transitional Arrangements of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 of 2002 and the Constitutional Property Clause: An Analysis in Two Parts – Part One: “Nature and Content of Rights Created by the Transitional Provisions” 2003 (3) Stell LR 377-400; Part Two: “Constitutionality of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act’s Transitional Provisions” 2004 (1) Stellenbosch Law Review 22-51

Mostert H, “The Distinction between Deprivations and Expropriations and the Future of the “Doctrine” of Constructive Expropriation in South Africa”  2003 (4) South African Journal on Human Rights 567-592

Mostert H, “Efforts at Constitutional Comparison – The German / South African Experience (A Partial Review)” 2003 German Law Journal (online at Hhttp://www.germanlawjournal.comH)

Mostert H, “Land Restitution, Social Justice And Development in South Africa” 2002 (2) South African Law Journal 400-428

Mostert H, “The Constitutional State, the Social State and the Constitutional Property Clause – Observations on the Translation of German Constitutional Principles into South African Law and their Treatment by the Judiciary” 2002 (62/1-2) Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 347-390

Mostert H, “The Alienation of Rights of Exclusive Use in Sectional Title Law – An Appraisal of Problems relating to Dealings with Outsiders” 2002 (2) Stellenbosch Law Review 265-284

Mostert H, “The Decision of the Land Claims Court in the Case of the Richtersveld Community: Promoting Reconciliation or Effecting Division?” 2002 (1) Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 160-167

Mostert H, & Du Toit F, “Joubert v Van Rensburg and the Registration of Immovable Trust Property in the name of the “Trustees from Time to Time”: Rocking the Boat or Storm in a Teacup?” 2002 (1) Stellenbosch Law Review 151-161

Mostert H, “Does German Law still Matter? A Few Remarks about the Relevance of Foreign Law in General and German Law in Particular in South African Legal Development with Regard to the Issue of Constructive Expropriation” 2002 (9) German Law Journal (online at Hhttp://www.germanlawjournal.comH)

Mostert H, “The Recent Amendments to the Regulations accompanying the Sectional Titles Act” 2001 (2) Stellenbosch Law Review 258-264

Mostert H, “Big Oaks from Little Acorns Grow (or: The Significance of Foreign Law for the Development of South African Constitutional Property Law) – Part I: Legal Comparison, 2001 (2) Stellenbosch Law Review 326-340; Part II: Reception 2001 (3) Stellenbosch Law Review 498-518

Mostert H, “South African Constitutional Property Protection between Libertarianism and Liberationism: Challenges for the Judiciary” 2000 (60/2) Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 295-330

Mostert H, “The Regulation of Exclusive Use Areas in terms of the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986: An Evaluation of the Existing Position and Suggested Alternatives” 1997 (3) Stellenbosch Law Review 324-347



Mostert H, The Relevance of Constitutional Protection and Regulation of Property for the Private Law of Ownership in South Africa and Germany – A Comparative Analysis with Specific Reference to Land Law Reform2000 (Dissertation presented for the Degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Stellenbosch)

Mostert H, The Regulation of Exclusive Use Areas in South African Sectional Title Law – Historical Survey and Evaluation of Proposed Amendments to Existing Legislation, 1996 (Thesis for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the LLM degree, University of Stellenbosch)



“The Compulsory Acquisition of Rights by Expropriation, Ways of Necessity, Prescription, Labour Tenancy and Restitution – by MD Southwood” – Book review:  2002 (1) Stellenbosch Law Review 178-182

“Grupp, Thomas Michael: Südafrikas neue Verfassung – Mit vergleichender Betrachtung aus deutscher und europäischer Sicht” – Buchbesprechung: 1999 (2) Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 601 – 603.

“Inleiding tot die Sakereg – deur AJ van der Walt en GJ Pienaar” – Boekbespreking: 1997 (2) Stellenbosch Law Review 254 ff



H Mostert & C-L Young, Talk of Sustainability is just Lip Service, Business Day, 9 June 2016


“The space women carved out for themselves in our mining-based society” Keynote address: April meeting of Women in Mining South Africa (WIMSA) in April 2016

“Mineral Law in Africa: Can One Size Fit All?” Keynote Address: Flexicadastre Conference, Waterfront, Cape Town, in February 2016

“Mineral Law in Africa: Initiatives for Industry-Academia Collaborations at the University of Cape Town” Opening speaker: Bridging the Gap Between the Extractives Industries and Academia Conference, Strathmore University Business School, in February 2016


Mostert H “Revising the Procedure for Expropriations in South Africa: 2015 Bill and 1975 Act compared” 2016 European Property Law Journal 5(3): 1–36 [DOI: 10.1515/ijdhd-2016-000]

Hoops B, Saville J & Mostert H, “Expropriation and the Endurance of Public Purpose: Comparative observations on the effects of a subsequent change in the purpose for which expropriation was undertaken for South African law” 2015 4(2) EPLJ  1–36

Mostert H, “Land as a ‘National Asset’ under the Constitution – The System Change Envisaged by the 2011 Green Paper on Land Policy and What this Means for Property Law under the Constitution” 2014 (1) Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal []

Jacques Sluysmans





Cheri Young

Cheri Young, Expropriations in South Africa: Dramatis Personae of the envisioned Expropriation Law$002feplj.2016.5.issue-3$002feplj-2016-0013$002feplj-2016-0013.xml

Mostert, H, Chisanga, K, Howard, J, Mandhu, F and Young, C “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Industries of Namibia, South Africa and Zambia: Choices and Consequences” in Sharing the Costs and Benefits of Energy and Natural Resource Activity  (2016)

Young, C “Expropriations in South Africa: Dramatis Personae of the Envisioned Expropriation Law” EPLJ  (2016)

Mostert, H and Young, C “Natural Resources as ‘Regulated Property’: The challenges of resource stewardship in South Africa” in Regulatory Property Rights: The Transforming Notion of Property in Transnational Business Regulation  (2016)

Glazewski, J and Young, C “Water Law and the Environment” in Glazeswki, J (ed) Environmental Law in South Africa  (2016)

Glazewski, J and Young, C “Pollution of Fresh Water and Water Resources” in Glazeswki, J (ed) Environmental Law in South Africa  (2016)

Badenhorst, P and Young, C “The Notion of Constitutional Property” Stell LR  1 (2017)

Young, C and Maduekwe, N “Water, Sanitation and Energy Access in South Africa and Nigeria” in Yinka Omorogbe and Ada Ordor Ending Africa’s Energy Deficit and the Law Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in Africa  (2018)

Cardner, K, Armitage, N, Winter, N, Fisher-Jeffes, L, Young, C Greywater Guidelines  (Project undertaken for Water Research Commission, forthcoming 2018)

Young, C and Van den Berg, M “Mining and the Environment in the Southern African Development Community” in The Environment, Legal Issues and Critical Policies: An African Perspective  (forthcoming 2018)

Young, C and Maduekwe, N “The intersection of CSR and African Regulations, Policies, Laws, and Initiatives” in Corporate Social Responsibility: The Corporate Governance of the 21st Century  (Wolter Kluwers) (forthcoming 2018)

Young, C “Public Trusteeship and Water Management: Developing the South African concept of public trusteeship to improve management of water resources in the context of South African water law” (Dissertation presented for the Degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Cape Town,2014)

Young, C “Public Trust and Res Publicae in South African Law: Towards a unified regulatory system of water in light of the National Water Act 36 of 1998”

Louie Van Schalkwyk

L van Schalkwyk & H Mostert “Supporting Regulatory Compliance and Governance through Research and Innovation” in Digby, C et al (eds) Green Mining: Beyond the Myth – Perspectives on the Future of Mining (Juta, 2018) 76

H Mostert, LCA Verstappen, J Zevenbergen, L van Schalkwyk (eds) Land Law and Governance: African Perspectives on Land Tenure and Title (Juta, 2017)

L van Schalkwyk & S Vidima “Involvement of Local Governments and Mine Communities in Addressing Issues of Waste in the Mining Sector” in Mostert, H et al (eds) Waste & Wealth: New Views on the Byproducts of Mining (Juta, 2017) 60

CL van Schalkwyk & CG van der Merwe “A Critical Analysis of the Role of the Developer in Sectional Title Developments” (2008) 2 TSAR 222

CL van Niekerk “Die Toekoms van die Leerstuk van Inheemsregtelike Titel in Suid-Afrika na die Richtersveld-beslissings: Regsvergelykende opmerkings” (2004) Responsa Meridiana 5